Experience is an involuntary muscle. It happens whether you want it, like it or not. It’s on us to make it best or worst.
Almost all the people I come across whine about their experiences of failures in life. I don’t. Instead, I ornament myself with them. It’s not only that only my experiences I adore; it’s of the people around me as well, which I book mark.
In 2008, I experienced something, which if I tell here, SOMEONE in Lahore might come in trouble.  On the happening of such, Wiqi, my best friend, lover, boy friend who happens to be my life partner too, called it the worst till yet, but I don’t agree. As I said I don’t call things that happen to me the worst; they are always good. I learn from them and get a step better. Same with this incident; I evolved into a stronger and wiser person. My perspective towards relationships, whether with friends, lover or else, got a 360 degree turn. My perspective towards men opened a new window to my comprehension. I touched the abyss. I saw people behind false pretences with my x-ray vision. I observed how some people who, due to lack of decency, end up in entertainment field, conceal their hackneyed odiousness behind their masks. How they cover their shallowness with stereotyped platitudes. How superficiality is portrayed in apparently successful way but hideously prominent to a person like me.
I was amazed to see their approach towards life and professionalism. I was stunned to see how at nights they enveloped themselves in self destructive activities such as smoking pot, drinking excessive amount of alcohol and then their frenzies , which they forget right when they come out of intoxication. I was astounded to hear their ravings that were full of impression of ‘me-don’t-know-anything-but-shit’.  I was astonished to see how people occupied in businesses of different fields open their mouths about business and have no idea of business terms and tactics. I was bedazzled to hear the exaggerated statements, futile discussions, unsubstantial agreement to other’s say, meaningless nightly unions. Finally, I was convinced of their facile achievements.
I am glad that I was given a chance to learn how lucky I was to have auspicious accomplishments and an integral life that is a gift from God; the chance of knowing the other side; the chance of building further competence to occupational progression.
Due to the  experience in 2008 of having someone in life for a short time, I evolved and picked up my ability once again, ability of proving myself as a successful person, woman, entrepreneur, and expanded my vision of business amplification. Now I stand with the strength that had been given to me by this experience of valid significance in my life.
Thanks to year 2008!


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