(One of the many reasons, teachers became my enemies at IVS, was my act of criticizing two film gods.)

When I was at Indus Valley School Of Arts & Architecture for a brief period of five weeks (yes, I left realizing it would be waste of one year learning crap),  I noticed that the teachers forced perfection in filmmaking – angles, camera movement, rule of third, 180 degree rule, continuity… The film has to be just perfect. (This is what I learned).

No problem; good thing. I like that too.

But then it should be applied to all. Teachers should be able to criticize  legends’ work too and not get offended when a student does so.… READ THE REST...

I have come to the point where I laugh at things that made me angry once. For example in Pakistan, people generally made me angry with their stupidity. Now I laugh how stupid most of the people are.

From 1991 till 2004, I sold my work through private shows. People in those days bought art and commissioned it regarding it art worth having. Then I stopped painting and had a dry brush from 2004 till 2012. I resumed in the end of 2012 and though I haven’t placed a show yet but have started selling through my website and network. But then I thought I have been painting for more than two decades, let’s get involved in art circle of Pakistan and see what’s happening.… READ THE REST...

(Before you read this post and many others dating before 2015, you will have to bear the paragraphs joined together. These posts are imported from blogger and no matter what I do, they just don’t do paragraphing. Sorry.)
I met someone new yesterday-a yoga instructor in Karachi. She must be probably in her mid forties. What she asked me was not something new though. Many people ask me the same, and I believe those are the people who cannot stand the fact that I could be successful without any qualification in this field.

When most of people in Pakistan respond to my art with sarcasm, I laugh. Many people think that it’s a child’s work. I don’t take it as a negative remark as for me it is an honor to be called a doodler of child’s imagination. Picasso once said that he had spent his life learning how to paint like a child. Nothing can be more creative in art than a child’s work. It’s original and robust. It’s beyond borders. It’s unrestricted. Now you see why I feel honored when my art is called child’s work?