

Asks my inquisitiveness sometimes

of a strange feeling

that is strong,

that is deep,

that is painful,

 that is soothing,

that brings the sickness and the cure,

that is pure.


Asks my inquisitiveness sometimes

of this strange bond

that is this connection

which enables me to breath

which enables me to live

and to live to yearn

for more of days to spend together

till the grey streaks appear and tell the age

till the life departs.


Asks my inquisitiveness sometimes

of the mystery of touch

this touch that gives life

that evolves tempest

tempest of sex

tempest of lust

that gives the security

security from the evil of the world.READ THE REST...

Day one, day last

Eyes open and streaks look bright

something new to the sight.

Streaks grow clearer and clearer as days pass by

Hear the ears clearer the pitch, the twang, the cry.

Powered are legs, firm are the feet

homo-sapien becomes from the creep.

This and that; here and there

it passes like a flair

the life that just started

a glimpse, and it is departed.







Incubus within

a lot is left behind unresolved

a lot is left behind that involved

love and passion that I revised

blindly endowed on someone in disguise.

my endearment was clear and pure

but purity he could not endure;

he crucified my affection

with evil’s reflection

and still kept me tied

he was an incubus under hide.


my esteem wrapped in bruises

still makes my heart loses

the fury waiting to be unleashed

but as if been beseeched

to hold the fumes that could enflame him

crush him, shatter him, condemn him

that could avenge and case an instance

with no common resemblance.… READ THE REST...

True colours of present and deceit of past

The time of flight of all those colours,

is the time that makes my sensations fuller.

Than that of what kept the colours away

And made me wander in search for ray;

Are no more in life to keep me bewildered

Gladly time has brought despair, swindled.

For he who transmuted life to gloom

Shall be resentful in life of fume;

As he was the harbinger of distrust,

Encased in nothing but obscenity of lust.

But in whose arms now repeatedly I sleep,

Is PURE at heart, bears no deceit.

Added up to life’s meaningful purrs,

Is the flight of all his true colours !… READ THE REST...

To let go

Striving to have the time wind

It’s hard to let go for the person who is left behind

Her emotions ail, exploitation the cause

Tearless cry, exasperation arose

For forgiveness he pleads

But forgiveness she impedes

Clouds him the adversity infinitely

Curses that she holds admittedly

Retrospective she is he outlined

But it’s hard to let go for the person who is left behind.… READ THE REST...

Death of sweetness

cry cry, enter the agony, melancholy

when the shadows of grief fall upon

the upright structure incessantly

heaping the truthful con.

when the pain is grown

the crystals from eyes cannot flee

matters not the consolation it be,

angels flutter their wings and see

but nothing for them to mourn

nothing for them for the flight

nothing was done at right

when the funeral it should be

existed not in sight,

wonder the skies and realize in time so less

that it was the death of sweetness!… READ THE REST...

And he shall begin…


He sits in the dark

Thinks of all glee;

Performance in past that he

Will clonally embark

Somewhere sooner or later

When time shall be better.

For his type is not to sit free

When he can go up to lengths greater,

When new prey flaps, and he sees,

Opportunity of his, there he can lark

Wicked grin on his face

Can be seen in the dark.


If I could forget

If only I could forget what I remember

That meeting, that sight and the first night of slumber;

That sitting in the corner avoiding eyes

It’s bizarre how time flies.


If only I could forget what I felt

That touch, that emotion and the bodies that could melt;

That swaying in the breeze so cold

It’s bizarre how time could behold.


If only I could forget what I heard

That sound, that tone and the words that slurred;

That moan swiftly changing into squall

It’s bizarre how time could maul

If only I could forget it at all.… READ THE REST...


The feeling, ultimate and throbbing

The vibes, arousing

Waves of craving make way to touch

The touch, the temptation, the seduction

Nothing calm as such.

Breathe uneven, eyes shut, lips dry

Second on second the tongue comes by

And soothes nothing as such

Though the touch

Wild and wilder, grab and hold, push and pull

Battle goes on….

The temple falls with ripped threads

The crease distorts of bed

Mingle the hand and the arch of back

Mingle the hand and the curve from head

Lips slither over the face

The noise, the moan, the eyes that shone

Sees the heaven, burns the flame

Down, deep and under

The biting, the screams wilder and wilder

The thrust and burst; the bodies surrender

Surfaces smooth but mildly throbbing

Lie side by side and wonder

And know must

Was it love or lust…… READ THE REST...

Noisy silence

Oft, in the solitude,

memories drip their flavor.

Flavor creates the aroma

leaving me no choice but to savour.

But that flavor…

tingles nothing but adds

 grief that eyes shed

entrails inside, drop by drop

gushing ahead to shrieks of silence

the surety made to be unnoticed

and clear stays the glance.



Thought you should know

Just want to tell you, my love

Though all, my love, you know

My life with your presence

with your arms that add essence

is a bundle of delightful clouds

upon which I lay myself

and my soul is taken away

to the utmost level of warmth and affection

where, by all means, is the truth in connection

to the transparency of your purity.

These clouds envelope me with their moisture

The moisture, which mixes my tears with smiles

And filters them

Leaving no emblem

These clouds envelope me with their fog

The fog, which hides me from the claws of distress.… READ THE REST...

Attend the misery of the poor

(Once, I was watching the poor porters in Sunday Market who were walking behind the rich and privileged watching them buy things that they could not even dream of. And the rich who were only concerned with their existence as far as they were behind carrying the load. I bet, they would not even remember the poor child’s face if they turn their head to them the second time. Below is a message to all those wanderers of Sunday Bazaar. )

We maintain strutting gait being ignorant
We sustain comforting bait being dormant
Ignorant we are of realities
Dormant we are beyond boundaries
But there’s a world, to most, a fiction

Destitute in worldly damnation
Do ‘THEY’ or we live in third dimension?… READ THE REST...


Rollin’ down

Moist crystals

Make way and disappear

I wonder what makes their existence

Emotions? Pains?

Or  events? Memories?

Who empowers them?

The heart? Or brain?

Tussled, hustled …..

They keep the roll, and roll

Regardless of cheers

Regardless of sorrows

Regardless of you or me

Just the roll on the smooth grounds

Always down

As if it absorbs in same cheers or sorrows

And begins the life cycle again

The life cycle of A Tear !



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(One of the many reasons, teachers became my enemies at IVS, was my act of criticizing two film gods.)

When I was at Indus Valley School Of Arts & Architecture for a brief period of five weeks (yes, I left realizing it would be waste of one year learning crap),  I noticed that the teachers forced perfection in filmmaking – angles, camera movement, rule of third, 180 degree rule, continuity… The film has to be just perfect. (This is what I learned).

No problem; good thing. I like that too.

But then it should be applied to all. Teachers should be able to criticize  legends’ work too and not get offended when a student does so.… READ THE REST...



DECEMBER 23, 2015


Just a couple of days ago, someone asked the same question I have been asked many times before. “Why do you wear tights under a dress?”

This time, I did not want to respond. So I thought, I should write.

Here is why…

I, somehow, do not like Pakistani clothes. (Yeah, you can frown as much you like.) I find them very disturbing. Hence, I am always in dresses or tops. I keep my legs covered 65 percent in order to avoid becoming someone’s bedroom fantasy.

In the West, boys grow up watching their mothers and sisters wearing shorts, dresses, tank tops and bikinis at home and out.… READ THE REST...

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NOVEMBER 12, 2015

Karachi is a city where having a car is a crime. You cannot park ANYWHERE. Well you can park in the paid parking but otherwise try parking it at home when you have to go somewhere. No matter where you take your vehicle, someone is offended and felt mugged of space. I am not joking, seriously.

I have recently joined a meditation group, which is located in Defence. It is situated in a house. The house is pretty big and with big boundary wall, one gets a lot of space to have parking outside. All the rest of the houses in the street are immense with vacant space outside their boundary walls.… READ THE REST...




One of the many things I am annoyed by in Pakistan is people’s driving. I am now on the stage that it has become funny to me. I laugh.

People take it too personally on roads here. You can’t be in front of someone (LITERALLY) . Anyone behind you thinks that it is his right to be in front of you. Everybody wants to be ahead of everyone. If you dare to overtake someone, you commit a moral, ethical and spatial crime. (It is his right to be ahead of you). Your overtaking will make you face all sorts of verbal and gestural abuse.… READ THE REST...



July 4, 2015
I don’t fast and I don’t pray. I am a happy secular soul. But I am a good human. Living in Pakistan and hanging out with people who fast till they drop while carrying no fasting myself bring people on me preaching me to make ‘pure’. (Most of the time not always.)
Just yesterday I was at Iftar dinner with some friends and with their friends.(Iftar is the food time at dusk for Muslims to redeem themselves from day’s starvation in the month of Ramazan / Ramadan.) A woman asks me, “So you are fasting?” (I don’t know why everybody asks this question here when the only answer they expect is in affirmation.



Yesterday I kinda made the best fool out of me by being over confident.



I have acted in TV plays and TV commercial from 2001 till 2003, and I have been thinking about getting some acting jobs again (due to my acute boredom with life). Well, yesterday I had a meeting with Mujahid, head of casting and planning at 7th Sky Entertainment in Karachi.



My arrival and departure both were in complete contrast. I entered infected with boosted levels of confidence. (I had been fully loaded with imagination of realistic acting and have thought, quite lately, that how difficult it could be to act.)… READ THE REST...

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EXCLUSIVE Customer Service in Pakistan

June 4, 2015
What’s there to like about Pakistan?  I go through hell on daily basis. It wasn’t this bad in this country ten years ago. There was still a system that functioned. There were still few educated people. There was still a bit of satisfactory customer service. Nothing such exists anymore. More the things rising in price, the lower the service is going.
I have been trying to get an appointment with a doctor for weeks. She sits at Agha Khan Hospital and Hilal e Ahmer Hospital in Karachi. The phone line at Hilal e Ahmer goes busy all day long, and if it doesn’t then no one ever picks up.


an educated point of view

As I am growing older and more mature, it is getting increasingly difficult to compromise with the nonsense of Pakistan. When people say that Pakistan will improve one day, I only raise my eyebrows because if I go against this statement they try to fight me in a useless argument. I don’t’ have time to waste on something that doesn’t give me any benefit of knowledge. But for the first time in life I met someone who was not a waste of time.
Last night at InterNations event, I liked the idea given by a member Jabbar Madni.


are you a killer too?

I remember when I was a child I played with figures and toys as if they were real characters with souls. I am not talking about when I was only three or five; I did that until I was 15 or older. I always had this world in my head giving them voices and life; a world where people moved and spoke as I desired. Unfortunately, I was always targeted by people for being abnormal. Many suggested having me checked. (I still hear things talking to me. I am an animist.)
This did not only happen to me.



No Qualification? You’re DISQUALIFIED!

(Before you read this post and many others dating before 2015, you will have to bear the paragraphs joined together. These posts are imported from blogger and no matter what I do, they just don’t do paragraphing. Sorry.)
I met someone new yesterday-a yoga instructor in Karachi. She must be probably in her mid forties. What she asked me was not something new though. Many people ask me the same, and I believe those are the people who cannot stand the fact that I could be successful without any qualification in this field.


And THEY get the immigration

Last night at Koel Cafe dinner, a friend of ours – a visa officer at German Consulate Karachi, was with us. I asked him what I have been wanting to know for a long time – why THEM?

The pronoun THEM refers to mullahs and religious families. I am a Pakistani and I see how difficult it is for an educated person here to be successful at immigration for a Western country. BUT then I come across THOSE religiously brainwashed people who flash their foreign passport at my face ridiculing my misery being a Pakistani living in Pakistan.

Yeah,  THEY got it but people like me might won’t.


Finally, I got the answer…

by xandria noir


I think; I think; and oh man, I really think.
My hubby thinks I shouldn’t. He believes due to my thinking, I become unhappy. I don’t agree with him though. Thinking is the only way I reach to my answers.
Thinkers thousands of years ago densely thought and connected the dots only to land on the invention of science, physics, mathematics and astronomy. Don’t we have this modern world because of some people who THOUGHT?
WELL coming back to me… I was saying that I think deeply. (Not that I am equal to those great thinkers and philosophers, of course.)


3 seconds of dingle-dangle

Sometimes,  I really wish to be in self-induced coma for a week for change. It hurts my head to keep dangling between beliefs and science,  and people’s religious faiths and scientific prophecies. It makes me go crazy. I already have millions of things working in my brain ALL THE TIME. I don’t know why I have to think about the things that have several alternative answers (mostly just made-up.)
Today, since morning I just feel like soothing my eyes with the sight of open endness (means the sea.)  Was just talking to EmQue telling her I was leaving for beach to enjoy the space in infinity.


an Hourglass called Life


Life to me is an hourglass. An hourglass that has a job; a labourless job of leaking sand non stop. A specialized hour glass with top part jet black to conceal the mystery of its quantity.
It’s a giant tyrant placed right behind me by the power of universe. I see the sand filling its bottom every day and day after. I look at it sometimes in terror and other times in excitement.
I run and run in pursuit of my dreams and I turn my head and it’s there, leaking sand grains over grains, mocking me, scaring me, watching me.



Anti Social Extrovert

I have been thinking of defining myself to a number of people who think I am an introvert. Luckily,  just now I got it. I am an ‘anti-social extrovert’ .
This is because I am neither a kind of person who enjoys meeting people regularly (but I don’t mind once a month perhaps) nor I like staying at home everyday.  Strangely, I love to be around strangers and hate the deserted lonely places. Then what do you call this condition?
When people called me anti-social and thought I didn’t like going out, I was very upset because it does not justify my status que.


Ah… It’s half empty or full?

I’m being a real lazy bum these days. Just don’t feel like doing anything. Um… no,  I think this not justified. I do like to just read books from my petit library and listen to music and paint.  THAT’S IT.
I don’t know if this qualifies me a lazy head or it’s just that I am tired of being a matriarch.
Few months ago I started noticing that whatever I did to occupy myself ended up demotivating me. I taught; I painted; I practiced 3 D animation… zilch excitement. Nothing excited me and I didn’t find myself good enough.
Yesterday morning, EmQue and I were burdening my living room’s coach with our laziness as usual.


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I have come to the point where I laugh at things that made me angry once. For example in Pakistan, people generally made me angry with their stupidity. Now I laugh how stupid most of the people are.

From 1991 till 2004, I sold my work through private shows. People in those days bought art and commissioned it regarding it art worth having. Then I stopped painting and had a dry brush from 2004 till 2012. I resumed in the end of 2012 and though I haven’t placed a show yet but have started selling through my website and network. But then I thought I have been painting for more than two decades, let’s get involved in art circle of Pakistan and see what’s happening.… READ THE REST...

why the name change? because it matters!

Since a lot of you ask me about my name, I decided to tell you my view behind it. Apart from the fact that I hated my name all my childhood due to its religious significance conflicting with my secular beliefs. I hated it more when I grew up. (Many reasons for this. Let’s not mention those.)

I am against having a name given to a person. I believe everyone should choose his or her name when he/she grows up. Name should be the description of personality. It should be creative. I am also not in favour of the idea of last name which is always a man’s name (why not a woman’s name?).… READ THE REST...

if we evaporated instead of dying

Sometimes I think that what would it have felt like if we did not die but evaporated. It’s the most annoying thought for me to die one day not knowing which day. What if I die today? I should do this and that just in case. Every  day I think what if today is the last day. And then I rush in thinking what should I have done or what should I do for my daughter who is still just sixteen. If I die today, then what will happen to her future?


my feelings, my art

When most of people in Pakistan respond to my art with sarcasm, I laugh. Many people think that it’s a child’s work. I don’t take it as a negative remark as for me it is an honor to be called a doodler of child’s imagination. Picasso once said that he had spent his life learning how to paint like a child. Nothing can be more creative in art than a child’s work. It’s original and robust. It’s beyond borders. It’s unrestricted. Now you see why I feel honored when my art is called child’s work?


growing up without internet and mobile phones

When I sometimes tell my daughter how life was when I was growing up, she calls it suffocating. I always laugh and tell her it’s the difference of perspective. Kids these days are born into technology. They cannot think of living a minute without internet or mobile phone. I was born in 1970 and I don’t remember a day when I said that I was bored. We had enough time to do enough of everything. I still remember how school was still fun and after school we had a great social life.



the best of Americans

It’s true that the civilization I have admired most is American. I am a great fan of Americans. Yeah, I know they say that average American is dumb. I don’t understand why people here are so happy about hearing it?  In Arab and Muslim countries, all men and women are intellectually challenged. Living with that, aren’t we? 

I like Americans because they are free spirited people. They are highly industrious. It’s their hard work and manipulative skills in dealing with smart people around the world for their benefit that has made them the biggest, strongest and super power.


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you can tell if he is a politician

You can easily tell a western politician apart in public by his spine. They have special spines. They are either born with one or their mothers trained them to make theirs like this. The spine is highly stiff and normally ends at the top of the head instead of neck. 

Western politicians walk and behave in distinctive manner due to their special spines. Notice how they are always stiff. Even if they bent or lean forward, they only bring their head forward. It is not possible for them to curve their vertebrae.


peace or rush?

I hear that life is too fast now. I hear it all the time. Everyone says that the day is short. A day is still of 24 hours and a year is still of 365 days. 


I don’t think life is fast. Life is still the same as it was in 1960’s perhaps. It’s just that we have made ourselves too busy in the run and greed of making more money. Also, people are not good at time management any more. They sleep late, go to work late, think late, perform late, finish late, come home late.



dumb is new sexy

by xandria noir

Over the years many standards have been altered or perhaps compromised. I only have concerns about how people in Pakistan ranging from 25 to 40 year have started rating other people with high scores. In earlier days, quieter the person, the more observant and wiser he was deemed; now, more one blabs, more intelligent and knowledgeable he is.
Observing Homo sapiens of the Pakistani society in a social gathering is enjoyable and as well as painful experience for me. I have been noticing transition of sanity into stupidity. Girls or women take crack at impressing males with their pattern-exploded clothes and over sized accessories with overuse of unverified facts as conversation appetizers.


kicking the ball

Many people (if not most) evolve every few years. Their temperament, behavior, likes, dislikes, personalities change into better. They disregard what they regarded earlier. I have realized I am one of them. I have been changing into better human since I was a teen. I have looked for a step ahead every step. There have been drastic changes in me since I was thirty. Although I find myself much clearer now about a lot of beliefs I was forced into earlier, I am still evolving.  This is the reason I have left behind all those that didn’t make sense.


fashion boom or impending doom?



I wear simple classic cuts in clothes displaying the upscale modesty in my personality. Wearing neat attire is one of my many passions. Simplicity and elegance are two elements that I like to adhere to my personality. And I wouldn’t mind watching the works of same scale designers to inspire me.


I used to watch Fashion TV or Fashion One channel quite often in search of perfection and modesty but over the years this convention met seldom-ness and now dependable-lity of channel random switching. (and that also ends up with visual torture.)


men vs women

I keep hearing arguments among men and women about being superior or equal and I keep wondering if the system was the other way round, would they still have these spats?
I am sure they would still be scuffling.
Although I am a woman and I DO vote for equality but I also DO insist on equality on moral grounds of genders rather than physical and emotional comparison. 
I believe that men are superior to women physically. They are stronger and there is no doubt about it. Women were born weak. Men did not make women subordinates intentionally in the beginning of the human race but they saw that in those harsh days of survival when your existence depended on your strength and severity to environment, women could not perform well for protection.


google glass – the matron of global prison


And here our technology moves a step upward and delivers us Google Glass.  There is nothing wrong with advancement in captivating technological race as long as it supplies us the benefits without harm. When technology becomes the cause of social tribulation, measures should be taken to avoid it becoming cancer of communal environment.
Social networking sites have already generated tumultuous digital war originating from the omnipresence of smart phones. Privacy of every common and elite has been breached making them vulnerable in the hands of antagonists of this Shakespeare’s stage.
Recent advent of Google Glass is being optimistically promoted in pre-launch campaigns to enslave minds into entering the dungeon of relentless chaos.


the power of NO

Theories are made in all eras of history for the betterment of humankind and world. Theories bring us forward. A simple theory of intellectual and intelligent man can teaches us a whole level of diploma education. They have power. They dominate.

But are all theories worth? Should we step forward holding them?
I admire Socrates, Plato and Aristotle for what they gave us. They gave us the foundation of today’s modern world. They gave us science, psychology, philosophy, medicine. They endowed us intelligence which led to creativity. I admire Newton and Einstein.


life’s little instructions for your good

  1. Make NEW friends but cherish the OLD ones too.
  2. Don’t carry a GRUDGE.
  3. Compliment three people every day.
  4. Watch a sunrise at least ONCE a year.
  5. Over tip waiters and waitresses for good service.
  6. Have a firm handshake.
  7. Look people in the eye.
  8. Say ‘thank you’ a lot.
  9. Say ‘please’ a lot.
  10. Own a great stereo/music system.
  11. Be the first to say ‘Hello’.
  12. Live beneath your means.
  13. Drive inexpensive cars, but own the best house you can afford.
  14. Buy great books even if you don’t read them.
  15. Be forgiving of yourself and others.


living the moment

by xandria noir

Do you think there is future tomorrow? 
You fret about it every minute dissolving the joy of present into stress and discontentment. You are running after it trying to catch as if it is a butterfly with mesmerizing colours and patterns of enchanting installations. And when in the end of the day, this furtively mystifying little fantasy doesn’t become captive of your net of pursuit; you fall under burden of crippling pain.

I did the same few years ago. I divested the present from my mental existence. But now I have many new beliefs, and one of them is the surety of absence of future and past.


you – the controller of mind

It is very common for you to complain about tension, stress, depression and boredom on daily basis. You take stress of work, tension of unwanted events, depression of deprivation, boredom due to lack of time for entertainment. I was once like this. Not anymore.
You already know that brain controls your body. You move, you eat, you blink, you talk, and you sleep. Every function of your body is slave to your brain. Brain on the other hand is slave to your mind. But then who controls the mind? Who is behind all this system?


life – the shortest living thing

There are only two ways to dwell – hate and be hated or love and be loved. 
You think life is long? Think carefully. Life is just four days long. Four heavenly days. One heavenly day equals to 20 years.
You spend first day in your early education, second day tying nuptial knots and making family, third day enjoying established career and forgetting family, and fourth day smoldering in remorse and being lonely waiting for the departure of soul.

Life is that short. 

It is a flash of thirty seconds before your eyes when your body is in transition from life-d to lifeless.


grounding children – a solution or problem itself?

Punishment is the last and the least effective instrument in the hands for the prevention of crime.
John Ruskin
Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.Mahatma Gandhi
Parents of young and adult children now are those who were children themselves just fifty years ago. Fifty years ago parents were influenced by the stark parenting skills which were deprived of knowledge of behavioral psychology. Parents in those days were unaware of repercussions of their actions and decisions implemented on their children in order to discipline them.


a vegetarian’s point

Earth is full of plants. For millions of years plants are consumed to satiate hunger. They are full of nutrients essential for a healthy well being. Animals though were consumed in primitive ages as the humans were not evolved to the extent of being equipped with knowledge and skills of culinary. This defines why animals hunt animals for food in animal kingdom. Food chain doesn’t entail human, though many consider human the top predator of food chain. Although humans are also taken into account of being ‘animals’ by some, it should not be deemed this way. Humans are main elements of society.


average achievements to exception-lism

by xandria noir

Mind is a labyrinth for smartness. Smartness pops out from different openings in the labyrinth of every individual. I believe that every human is born with some exception. Everyone is smart to a certain extent.  It is on adults at homes and schools to find it in children and make it a big deal. Unfortunately, most parents fail to do so and so does all schools. 
Many children do not perform well when it comes to put answers on paper, and then they are marked according to their apparent performance, which does not reflect their true potential on practical grounds.


acknowledging the corn


I have a problem – a problem of writing with words. 
I use words that I have read and are wandering in my head finding a place to be practiced and be told. Certainly, I find no harm for them to tag along my writing. Isn’t it the purpose of words – be said?
I am a neologist. I invent words as well. My daughter’s name is an example of my first neologism. The words that I make with existing words are usually with hyphen as I intend people to know that they do not exist in dictionary or Google search.


personae non gratae


I have reached a pivotal point of my life. Now I think densely if existence of people I can accommodate myself with is chanced. 
People with stable minds
People with interpretational skills
People with cackle-less sense of humour
People with sense of relevance
People ethically knowledge-d
People with intelligible disposition
People I can relate to.
People I can talk to. 
I need a break. Mean-fully horrifying pouring of personae non gratae has drenched me with suffocation leading to introversion. And yet everyone complains about my self-inflicted home stays. Library is the only place where I can sit peacefully for hours because the good rule is silence and books are compatible.


careless whispers


Finding love is an intrinsic feeling. We simply find love even if someone sees us with a smile. We find it when a friend holds our hand. We find it when our mother kisses us. We find it when our baby first holds our finger. It is an exotic essence of every culture. Not having felt love is mission impossible.
Love does wonders. 
Love is the most powerful tool since ancient times. It has the power of making you and breaking you. It can bring you down to dilapidation; it can feed you the triumph.


sleeping beneath (poetry)


What lies beneath should be unrevealed; as what lies beneath should never be proposed to the brightness of acknowledgment; as what lies beneath is a bundle of secrets………. 


The secrets that compel us towards the uncanny lies we never expected ourselves to be the captive of ……


Secrets that make our life become an acrobat balancing on a fine line tied from the partial reality to the fantasy…………..


Secrets that move their fingers in our hair to make us embrace the sleep of sweetness but open our eyes to the realm of bitterness……….. 


paragon of virtue




We talk about what is most precious of all; we talk about what we lose and can never retrieve. We talk about it all the time and everyone has different ideology. I think parents are the most precious gift of God. Once they are gone, they are gone. There is no replacement. There is no love that can alter their unconditional affection. There is no one who can supply the same length of protection as they did. There is just no one like them.




I remember growing up fighting with my parents all the time.


abstract nonsense

People come with different preferences for family sizes. Large, small, compact – all depends on the outcome of personal experiences. I decided to have only one child due to reasons of feeling neglected being among many.
I come from a large family of six siblings. Can’t say if it was a blessing or penalty of something I said to God before my birth.  I am the second in line. My eldest sister Samira, being the first one, automatically became the apple of my parents’ eye. I was too small but I still remember I expected the world to go around me and only me.


day one, day last (poem)

Eyes open and streaks look bright


something new to the sight.


Streaks grow clearer and clearer as days pass by


Hear the ears clearer the pitch, the twang, the cry.


Powered are legs, firm are the feet


homo-sapien becomes from the creep.


This and that; here and there


it passes like a flair


the life that just started


a glimpse, and it is departed.






only mouth above water

A writer’s or a presenter’s first job –besides writing or presenting – should be to structure what they are telling us into a logical and readily graspable format. Unfortunately, when they fail to do so, our interpretive devices – our minds – try to structure the sequence from the given informational chaos, which causes chaotic conclusions.
It is very important to be precise in communication to project a clear point of view. This is the rule not only for writers but also the business executives. To persuade others to your point of view, you should deploy three elements: logos, ethos, and pathos in constructing and presenting a script or an argument.


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are you insane?

An opening of a new outlet of clothes in Pakistan opens a window for mockery that chirps the sonnet of insanity. People come, chatter, smirk, sway, sip and leave.  Insanity in disguise. Cameramen with big cameras, over-polished anchors on the lookout for an interview, grabbing women with shimmering make-up and screaming clothes, and men with dazed quantity of hair gel and confused statue-of-liberty hairdos, and neatly placed snacks on flying platters.  Glam and clam just don’t mix, so loudness is the requirement if you want to be noticed. 

Girls would take enough time to make sure their lip gloss is shiny enough, top is revealing or clingy, shoes are spotless, mobile phone is fancy, accessories are blink blink, hair is blow dried, and on arrival, gait is flying with flirtatious whiff.READ THE REST...



I am generally a quiet person. I only like talking when it is a business discussion or when I am given a chance to share my knowledge with others. Otherwise, talking is just not my thing anymore. 

I like listening.

I benefit from listening to other people’s experiences and thoughts. I have an aptitude to sit with a person for an hour, with my ears open, attention focused, passage to brain available and just listen. Unlike a therapist. But I could be one excellent therapist. I would not have cared for money because the quality of listening builds my soul, and trading soul for money only brings catastrophic implications.READ THE REST...

big kingdom of little ones



I don’t mind sitting at kitchen table and watching Fox News or OSN on my plasma and being served yummy food or just sitting there in an air conditioned atmosphere reading books or writing recipes but that’s all I like. I don’t like working in the kitchen. I am really thankful to my husband Wiki for doing all the veg-cutting, dish washing and ingredient-fetching from different corners because without all this, there is no way I can stir spoon in the pot. 
For me, working in the kitchen is like working on a battlefield.



jolt from entertainment


My Digi Cable was out. Therefore, I had no American-English channels to watch. I was detached from my existence, vacuumed  by the monster discreetly named depression, sitting in a dark room in despair after flipping through some local channels, those which are what I can call ….umm…foreign-NIZED music , drama and fashion channels these days. And I had no way out.
As I closed my eyes instead of giving the table in front of me a bolt of head bang, I remembered the days when we were entertained by THE only TV channel, PTV the great, which by the way succeeded in mesmerizing the nation in that tiny frame of time, as tiny as only six hours a day.





There were times, when my senses of decency and discipline were injured every day when I mounted my car on the roads of commotion. I suffered, suffered and suffered, and one day I got up to embrace the fact that the world of perfection, where I live in, only exist in my brain. Here people have contradiction with me. They say that’s not the real world, this is the real world. With me the scenario is, of course, vice versa. 
I live in Karachi, which has become a dodging car ring; the difference is that the cars don’t intentionally bump.


what i learned in 2008


Experience is an involuntary muscle. It happens whether you want it, like it or not. It’s on us to make it best or worst.
Almost all the people I come across whine about their experiences of failures in life. I don’t. Instead, I ornament myself with them. It’s not only that only my experiences I adore; it’s of the people around me as well, which I book mark.
In 2008, I experienced something, which if I tell here, SOMEONE in Lahore might come in trouble.  On the happening of such, Wiqi, my best friend, lover, boy friend who happens to be my life partner too, called it the worst till yet, but I don’t agree.