It is very common for you to complain about tension, stress, depression and boredom on daily basis. You take stress of work, tension of unwanted events, depression of deprivation, boredom due to lack of time for entertainment. I was once like this. Not anymore.
You already know that brain controls your body. You move, you eat, you blink, you talk, and you sleep. Every function of your body is slave to your brain. Brain on the other hand is slave to your mind. But then who controls the mind? Who is behind all this system? Who is the main power? Who has the main switch?
Answer is very simple: it’s you!
You are the main power. You are in control. You are everything. Mind is just a toy. Mind plays tricks because you let it. Your soul is real you. Your body is just a disguise. Your soul is free from physics.

I don’t believe in the theory of psychiatric disorders or psychological problems to be healed only by medicines. Well, the psychiatrists say that they can not heal but stay in control with drugs. I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in 2002. It wasn’t that bad. It runs in my paternal family. I had serious insomnia and I painted through nights. A little before 2002, a very close friend gave me a pill called ‘Alprazolam’ telling me that it would make me happy. (I don’t know why would someone suggest me that though.) The pill did make me laugh all day and all time but I didn’t what it was and there was no Google to read about it in those days. After few months, I started getting too angry on the slightest things. My anger turned into severe aggression. In 2004, I was thrown in front of a psychiatrist and without asking if I was taking some drugs he immediately put me on more drugs. I took Alprazolam for 3 years without knowing what damage it was causing me. I WAS STUPID TO TRUST A FRIEND. I went through severe depression due to this and those new drugs. Then in 2008, I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. I was on maniac side. I was then put on more fancy drugs as my psychiatrist liked. I turned aggressive. I turned extremely angry. I never understood why. I told him that I would like to quit but he stated that quitting is not an option. According to him, ‘quality life’ could only be achieved with those drugs. I didn’t call that a quality life. What QUALITY was there when I couldn’t paint, I could feel happy and I couldn’t sleep. I repelled and argued on trying ‘will power’. He gave out straight rebuff that ‘there’s no such thing as will power’. Wow…

That was just it. If anyone says that there is no will power than he is definitely missing the whole lot of self improvement theory. 

I walked away. 

Last year in 2012, I picked up all the bundle of medicines including my sleeping pills, and flushed them down the toilet. 

I was told that I would face severe consequences if I did so. Well, I am a spiritual person. Miracles for me are the results of my own efforts. I believe in will power when you try. I believe in healing energy. I was already doing yoga. Not for weight loss unlike most but for relaxation. This time, I started intense meditation. I did not know anything about meditation. I just felt like shutting the world around me by thinking about something else. I just believed that those people I saw in meditating poses, looked very peaceful due to something inside them. Initially, meditation was tough as my focus was shattered. But then gradually the length of daze in dark stabilized and I achieved the ability to be anywhere I wanted during meditation. 

I used to wake up at 3.30 am therefore it was the best time to meditate. I meditated and pulled in healing energy. It gave me strength of controlling my mind. I gained control over my mind. I was able to perform with norms. My OCD quirks vanished within two months. Things that triggered my obsessions and compulsions were no longer in focus. My ‘highs’ didn’t make me vulnerable and maniac any more. I received clarity. I go to bed at 9.30 pm happily. I feel happy all the time. I haven’t seen a frown on my face in a long time.

I loved Budha’s teaching ‘Our desires make us unhappy.’ I focused on this saying and realized that I was running after having too much too soon. Desire to be perfect and have perfection in everything was the main cause of my unhappiness. I quickly changed that. My expectations were high. I lowered them. I also made materials least priority.  

I CHANGED THE WAY I THOUGHT. It didn’t cost me a dime. My doctors never taught me that.

It’s been a year now; I haven’t had a single episode. I am calm. I observe (which was the most difficult task for me before.) I don’t get headaches. Stress is a distantly remote word for me. There is nothing on Earth that can give me tension any more. I am never depressed. I am never bored. I have gained power over everything. I talk sane. I sleep within ten minutes after jumping into bed. I look at problems as if they are solutions.

I met a psychiatrist few months ago and after finding me in denial of drugs, he stated that I would bounce in a couple months. According to him it all comes back. I laughed and told him, it’s been a year. He was dumb founded but still stood on his grounds.

Well, it’s been months since he met me. I am only better let alone ‘bouncing back’ !

All I did was to control my mind. I controlled my psychological disorders with my will power. If I could do it then you could to. 
Today, sit wherever you are and close your eyes. Think about the most disturbing problem you might be facing. Smile at it and let it sway by. Let it pass. Let it shift from your vision in the dark. Think about sitting under a waterfall with fresh chilled water hitting your head. Let this water drain your thoughts, your problems. Let others yell at you at work but you stay focused. Keep smiling. Stay with nature for at least five minutes. Open your eyes and do your work at normal pace. Forget about what would happen if your work is not done on time. If you will lose an opportunity, you will make another one soon.  Just be calm. Smile. If you can do it right now then you have gained the control already.

If I could do it so can you. I am not a saint.

Remember, this is your life not others. You live only once so live lightly. Don’t let other rule you. You make the rules.
I love a song ‘The Big Bang’ by Rock Mafia. It says:
“Some people like to talk. But I’m into doing,

What I feel like doing, when I’m inspired.”


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