Many people (if not most) evolve every few years. Their temperament, behavior, likes, dislikes, personalities change into better. They disregard what they regarded earlier. I have realized I am one of them. I have been changing into better human since I was a teen. I have looked for a step ahead every step. There have been drastic changes in me since I was thirty. Although I find myself much clearer now about a lot of beliefs I was forced into earlier, I am still evolving.  This is the reason I have left behind all those that didn’t make sense. Whether it came to religion, relationships with other humans or animals, sports…
Lawn tennis and football were my craze until a few years ago. I was thrilled to watch and even play at leisure. Then I stopped finding any thrill in them. All I found was wasting 90 minutes plus on eying the ball. I didn’t understand what one can learn by running after a ball. Does it help in life?
Now when our globe is on the edge of extinction (If you read the formation of the Earth thoroughly, you will know this.), and the survival of species, as always, is dependent on their adaption to the effects of natural yawns of the Earth. People should equip themselves with the techniques to live through the extremes of upcoming changes in natural environment.
I started believing that a sport should help in developing some skill and technique to help in our time of need and survival. For example extreme sports (which I now find highly interesting) teach us a lot. Rowing and swimming can help in flood. I find watching surfing, snowboarding, racing, canoeing, skydiving productive. I learn techniques of survival from them. My time is well utilized.
This is how sports came to world in Greek times. They were meant to be training for wars.
My daughter plays tennis regularly, and I watch her with a question mark. Her answer to me is a

smile. Luckily she rows and swims regularly as well, and I watch her with exclamation mark. Her response to me then is a wink. I digest the waste of time in her tennis with another productive sport of Rowing and Swimming. Thus I feel peaceful.

To me running after a ball whether in cricket, tennis, volleyball, football, rugby or golf is foolish. I understand people learn team sprite through them, which is also required for survival. I also understand that people take them as physical activity that can make them defensive but I don’t find it productive. Productive is an activity which can result in a product. A product of an activity can be wisdom as after reading an informative book; technique as after beating the fury of nature in extreme sports; self defense as you learn after kickboxing and so on. I am not discouraging anyone to play ball sports; they should if they enjoy. I am just confused why do people waste time with them and yet be in their favour. 
When I ask a player of such sport the reason of this time consumption, he becomes aggressive in defense of the sport.  I never meant to harm anyone. My opinion is a result of the friction of my thoughts. I also have a right, a right to express my opinions. 
As far as physical activity is concerned, I say run, lift weights, stretch, skip, cycle, wrestle and become strong. As far as mental activity is concerned, read, talk, argue, explore, invent, innovate and learn. Why hitting a ball and feel good about it?