by xandria noir

Over the years many standards have been altered or perhaps compromised. I only have concerns about how people in Pakistan ranging from 25 to 40 year have started rating other people with high scores. In earlier days, quieter the person, the more observant and wiser he was deemed; now, more one blabs, more intelligent and knowledgeable he is.
Observing Homo sapiens of the Pakistani society in a social gathering is enjoyable and as well as painful experience for me. I have been noticing transition of sanity into stupidity. Girls or women take crack at impressing males with their pattern-exploded clothes and over sized accessories with overuse of unverified facts as conversation appetizers. Men spitting miscalculated numbers to elevate their business status and mentioning names of smart phones and their internet derived specifications without any hint of their productivity or compatibility just to be more attractive.


“You look hot.” has become a mandatory cliché among this age. A person will look the most hideous but will now get to be told he or she is looking ‘hot’. The more one displays absurdness on the personality, the more ‘hotter’ he stands. 
Anyone who talks anything informative, which can benefit others intelligence, is out of the circle after been blamed of being a ‘show-off’! This happened to me. I thank my sanity that I have discontinued hanging around the 30 year old in December 2012. I am finally at peace. To tell the truth, I mostly stayed quiet and observant. Jumping into nonsense gibber-gabber is not my potential trait. But once in a while I felt pity on intellectually challenged crowd and my ambition of educating people pushed me to feed them some bits of real facts. Unfortunately, that didn’t result in expected positive outcome.
I saw girls and boys in most hideous get-ups. I always believed if a person is intelligent then he or she would be very careful in attiring or accessorizing himself/herself. One wouldn’t want people to perceive him an idiot. I saw explosion of cosmetics on the girls’ faces. One was a TV anchor and she wore literally white face on dark neck. Her makeup was so mind boggling that my head got tasered every time I looked at her. Sad that all the men around her told her that she was looking pretty. And I realized that beauty does lie in the eyes of beholder. Of course the ‘beholders’ are the ones to blame for this visual torture of aesthetics. 
It’s disgusting.
I saw men with open chest buttons of shirts displaying jungle on their chest. Hairy chest is deemed disgust in most civilized regions. It is as disturbing as a woman with bushy armpits or legs. (I hope you got the vision here.) Unfortunately, most women in Pakistan find hairy chests of men ‘manly’ and ‘sexual’ and praise them labeling ‘hot’. (I am sure some will disagree here but this is the fact.) I, on the other hand, shift my presence instantly when I see such Homo habilis. That’s because I don’t like throwing up in my mouth.
I have noticed largely that people here like to be admired by opposite gender. I remember a man who experimented with his hair style and facial hairs constantly, and most of the time he did not look attractive. Once I told him that in order to improve his personality. Unfortunately, he considered all the rest of women ‘authentic’ who applauded with glorified compliments. All I wanted was to educate him. 
I see pseudo -professionals in Pakistan in fashion designing producing unbalanced theories; in interior design presenting overloaded and uncoordinated elements; in architecture structuring the same buildings that have been seen somewhere else; in showbiz media acting with either poker faces or contrary expressions. And I see them getting admired.
One of the greatest writers of all times, my favourite Aubrey Daniels, once wrote that positive reinforcement encourages a person to repeat that behavior. I learned through this a lot in recent years. When you remark positively on someone’s hideousness, he continues that presuming it valuable. This is the case in Pakistan. People encourage people here to look imbecile. 

If Pakistanis can become honest all of a sudden, then there will be a great hike in remarkable productivity in every field, in personalities and in behaviors. May be then on western scene they will be respected for something impeccable. 


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